Rogers Bros – Footstop V2


Single piece construction. 6061-T6 Aluminum. Regular or goofy. Concave/hook contact surface.

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Roger Bros redesigned their Standard Footstop!

The V2 is made of one solid piece of aluminum. It is lightweight and much more durable. It doesn’t matter if you’re goofy or regular with two curved tracks for placing your hardware, you can play around with many different angles to find the one that bests fits the concave of your foot. Bolt it down using the same hardware with your trucks (you might just need to go with 1/8″ longer hardware) and you’ll be ready to shred!

Looking for a durable yet simple footstop? The Rogers Brothers Standard Foot Stop has a nice big aluminum bumper with concave to hold your foot in place. The bumper can be loosened or tightened for a static foot stop, or a rotating bumper. Not only that, but it can be flipped so it’s perfect whether you’re Regular or Goofy stance. Bolt it down using the same hardware with your trucks (you might just need to go with 1/8″ longer hardware) and you’ll be ready to shred!

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